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About the Success of Digitalization, Digitization, Transformation, Optimization, …tion, …ion, …on, …n!
Is there an ultimate guideline for running an organization? There are many for every single activity and none is correct. Or, none is entirely correct no matter how hard authors try to prove it. Life with guidelines is much easier, but their application must be based on common sense, not on blind tracking by the…
Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities
This article is about Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities. It represents a paper published at a highly ranked HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS). This paper was written with great help and supervision of prof. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler. Given article and paper might be relevant for you as well.…
Kick-starting Your New Developer Job with these Essential Tips
This article is about kick-starting your new developer job based on my experience gathered in multiple companies and projects. Read it, prepare well and you will do great! Introduction Kick-starting your new developer job is very important. Different teams will have different expectations, but essentially you will be expected to find your place in the…